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The Bitesize Golf Academy is a true development pathway for children.Young players, either from the SNAG Academy or new to the game start the programme that will turn them into competent golfers eventually becoming members of a golf club.


The Bitesize Golf Academy is a fully structured programme that includes ten levels of attainment.With ten resource books covering different topic categories, the Bitesize Golf Academy offers a complete learning experience for boys and girls alike.

Each session,mixes learning golf techniques with challenges,games and quizzes.Other topics important to learning during the sessions are how to play,rules,etiquette,care of the course,equipment and fitness.

Each series and level is compleated when the quiz is marked and all the challenges compleated.The pupil then recieves their certificate of achievement with a pass,merit or distinction grading,which means they move up to the next level.

Bitesize Junior Golf Scott Currie-Golf

The Academy includes:


  • 6 Week series

  • Equipment if needed

  • Resource book and Certificate

  • £



Bitesize Junior Golf Enquiries.

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