Teaching Philosophy.
My objective in teaching the game of golf is to help my students improve their skills and develop their abilities. I feel an obligation to show a student how to benefit best from a lesson. The student will know and have an understanding of what will occur during the session. They will be given reasons for my suggestions and instruction for change. To quote the great Ben Hogan, “Don’t simply tell a player what he is doing wrong – that’s not much help. You must explain to them what they should be doing, why it is correct, and the results it produces. Then work really hard to get it across so they really understand what you are talking about.” I approach all our lessons clinics and schools with this enthusiasm and dedication.
My approach to teaching is to present a complete golf education that is a plan based on making the student their own best teacher. I focus on improving what the ball does. What the golf ball does is my best source for diagnosing a golf swing, pitch, bunker shot, chip, or putt. My swing model is based on the Swing Plane. The swing plane determines where the ball goes, how much ground you hit and what part of the clubface the ball hits. What you do with your body at set-up and during the swing (pivot) combined with knowledge of the correct arm swing are the fundamentals that you need to do to swing the club “On Plane.”
Detailed evaluation of the student’s game allows me to improve the area that suffers the most.
All instruction is tailored to the player’s personal goals, physical abilities/limitations, and knowledge of the game.
“I don’t simply teach you how to hit a golf ball.I coach you on how to play the game of golf.”