When it comes to mastering your golf game, there is one indisputable truth: If you don’t use it, you lose it. Which is why winter may be the most important season of all—if you take a few months off, you’re likely to lose your fined-tuned touch and have to start from scratch come April.
1. Check your Fundamentals. You know which bits these are! Aim,Grip,Stance,Posture.....Yawn Yawn Yawn! The real boring bits! They need checking especially after a long season where bad habits will have no doubt have crept in! Dont fool yourself you can hit some good shots from a faulty set up if youve played alot during the season but inconsistency will no doubt be at the back of your mind!
Jack Nicklaus in his day after every season went back to his coach Jack Grout and said "Treat me like a beginner and start me at the start!" Who are we to argue with that!
2. Practice in the mirror. Practice making several slow motion swings while maintaining your balance through the entire motion. Try to correlate what you’re feeling with what you see in the mirror and make adjustments accordingly.I suggest practicing your full swing, back swing and down swing for five minutes, four times a week.
3. Visit the driving range. This may seem obvious, but it’s important: Nothing helps your game more than actually hitting golf balls. If you can’t hit the course, head to the range to practice your shots.It will keep your swing in a groove and keep your golf muscles in shape.To maintain momentum and motor memory through the offseason, visit the range at least once a week.
4. Swing weighted clubs. Working with weighted clubs is a way great way to improve the timing and mechanics of your swing Your body’s motor memory is enhanced when swinging with a heavier club (so it’s easier for your muscles to “remember” how to swing correctly). You’ll also feel the moment of impact better, which helps develop consistent timing.